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Aiden Precision Coffee Maker
Aiden Precision Coffee Maker
Quick-Start Guides
How do I set up or change settings in Aiden’s menu? How do I set up my clock, schedule, or WiFi on Aiden?
How do I get started with Aiden?
What’s the difference between Instant and Guided Brew?
How do I use Guided Brew?
How do I make Cold Brew with Aiden?
See all 7 articles
Fellow - Brew With Aiden app
How do I hide Drops brew profiles?
How do I use my Aiden with Drops coffees?
How do I create, share, and receive a custom Brew Profile in the Fellow - Brew with Aiden app?
What are Aiden's connection statuses and what do they mean?
What to do when you have trouble connecting Aiden to the Fellow app
See all 10 articles
Do you have any general Aiden troubleshooting tips?
Product Care & Materials
Are any parts of Aiden dishwasher safe?
How do I clean and maintain my Aiden Precision Coffee Maker?
How do I register my Aiden Precision Coffee Maker?
How do I use and care for my Aiden Precision Coffee Maker?
I seem to be missing my single-serve filter basket!
See all 9 articles
General Use
Can I use Third Wave Water packets with Aiden?
How to prevent overflowing when brewing with Aiden
How long does Aiden keep coffee hot?
How do I remove/reattach Aiden's showerhead?
What are the pre-installed brew profiles Aiden offers?
See all 22 articles
Purchasing & Availability
How do I reserve an Aiden Coffee Maker and why should I reserve mine now?
If I purchased my Aiden during the coffee presale period, do I receive the exclusive coffees in advance?
I’m ordering other items in addition to reserving my Aiden - will I receive everything in my order at once?
When will my early adopter Aiden arrive?
Will Aiden be available internationally?