My EKG Updater app says that there is an ‘Update Available’ but has yet to update - what should I do? My EKG Updater app says that there is an ‘Update Available’ but has yet to update - what should I do?

My EKG Updater app says that there is an ‘Update Available’ but has yet to update - what should I do?

If your app is in ‘Update Available’ status, this means there’s an update available for your Stagg EKG Pro / Corvo EKG Pro or Pro Studio Edition and that your kettle has not checked in within the last 24 hours. This could be due to 3 primary reasons:

  • Your kettle is unplugged
  • The WiFi on your kettle is off
  • Your WiFi network has changed

If one of these reasons applies, please follow these troubleshooting steps:

  • Your kettle is unplugged: leave your kettle plugged in for at least 24 hours
  • The WiFi on your kettle is off: confirm that WiFi is on within your kettle via your kettle’s menu
  • Your WiFi network has changed: ‘Reset Kettle Name & Wifi’ which will allow you to go through the full set-up process once more

If you’re still experiencing issues, please delete and re-download the EKG Updater App. You will need to go back through the initial steps to pair your base to your device listed in our Gear Guide.