The anti static on Opus stopped working, and it’s messy! The anti static on Opus stopped working, and it’s messy!

The anti static on Opus stopped working, and it’s messy!

The anti-static technology will work best for about 60 grinding cycles using light or medium roast coffee before it needs to be cleaned to continue to operate at its peak performance. Please note, using dark or oily roast coffee will require maintenance more frequently to prevent the Opus from clogging.

To clean, remove the catch cup and use the Fellow cleaning brush (or another cleaning brush such as a clean makeup brush or a clean paintbrush) and “swipe” around the inside of the exit chute (where the coffee grounds come out). It's important to make sure the pins are as clear of coffee as possible, like in the image below. As a pro tip, we've found that using something to blow out extra coffee can work wonders for getting them clear!

Opus Anti-Static Pins Up Close 2.jpg

Check out this video on how to clean your Opus!